What happens during a curriculum audit?
A curriculum audit can help your school, district, or state evaluate the effectiveness, depth, and alignment of curriculum to ensure curricular pathways to success for all students. We’ll identify areas of effectiveness and help you set priorities for areas that most need improvement, while keeping in mind the critical importance of developing curricula that can be reasonably taught in the time allotted, allowing teachers to help students develop deep knowledge of what they’re learning. Our process follows three steps:
Step 1—Plan for audit activities: We meet with school leaders to discuss the audit process, clarify questions intended to be answered by the audit, and identify points of contact.
Step 2—Conduct an external analysis of written curriculum documents and assessments to determine the extent of alignment between written documents with national academic standards
. We seek to answer three questions:
To what extent is content from each selected course aligned to national academic standards?
To what extent does the curriculum provide opportunities to engage students in content area practices (mathematical practices, close reading, and discourse structures, etc.)?
To what extent does a sampling of course assessments align with national academic standards and the written curriculum?
Step 3—Conduct classroom observations of the taught curriculum to determine the extent of alignment between written documents, standards, and classroom instruction. This step will conclude with a report of findings organized around the audit questions, including appendices with data that support the findings and recommendations for next steps.
We can help ensure that your curriculum aligns with local, regional, or national academic standards.